5 Takeaways That I Learned About

How Communication Has Evolved

Technology plays an important role in our livelihoods. Internet is a very large source of information but what most people don’t know is that those are just ideas from other individuals in the world. Internet creates a platform where experts on various issues post something about their subject. These experts are then given recognition by being recognized as the authors of the information. The functioning the world has been disrupted by the invention of internet Communication is older than the internet. The first mode of communication was through utilization of smoke to send messages. The only complicated mode of communication was through face to face. This was usable only if people are not far from each other. Semaphores came up after a while but they also had their issues. Communication was important only for the military. It took the communication experts long before another method of relaying information was invented. The first telegraphic kind of communication was done manually and for this reason it was not suitable for use to communicate to the masses. With the growth in time, better telegraph technology was developed. Electromagnetic telegraphs became the new thing in town because of the great capabilities they had. Telegraphs stimulated greater thinking and more ideas were developed. Telegraphs were feared because of the nature of news they were used to transmit. However, although this was a groundbreaking achievement in the communication sector, the spread of his was difficult since telegraphs were only used to relay short messages, besides two-way communication would also be very slow.

The lifespan of telegraphs was a bit short lived since experts came up with something better, the telephones. These experts that created phones were geniuses, people appreciated their technology and it became popular. At first, the use of telephones was weird for most people but people came to accept it. The growth of the phones has been tremendous such that almost everyone has a phone in their pockets. After the telephone then came radio, where people could get updated on the latest happenings, these experts of invention wanted to go further to challenge themselves. With radio, you didn’t need to know how to read and write to understand it and these experts knew that. Accessibility is one of the major Merits of internet today. The internet can transmit messages in various forms be it video or audio alone. The realities that have come with the advent of mobile phone technology by these experts are out of this world, nobody would have thought internet would reach these great heights. These experts have not stopped at mobile phones, they have made phones that make calls using the internet and are used in office settings.

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