Originally the factory created coats and down jackets, but in 1986 the very first jeans have been manufactured there

The history of produced to measure jeans by Colin’s began in 1983 when a Turkish businessman Nurettin Eroglu and his four brothers established a compact garment manufacture known as ‘Eroglu Holding’. Initially the factory developed coats and down jackets, but in 1986 the initial jeans were manufactured there. That year the trademark ‘Kulis’ was introduced. The production grew and by 1992 the organization manufactured 1500 pairs of jeans each day. The brand was that year renamed and named ‘Colin’s Jeans’. The initial sewing factory occupying a space of ten.000 square kilometers was opened.

In 1993 the organization starts to export its jeans abroad. Now Colin’s Jeans are sold in the USA, Western and Eastern Europe, Russia and Middle East.

Colin’s Jeans brand has selected the ideal advertising and marketing technique from the begin. In contrast to other Turkish companies of denim, Colin’s Jeans brand didn’t try and copy jeans models developed by planet established suppliers. Rather than this the brand made economical clothes of wonderful high quality and advertised for its own trademark. This policy contributed towards the success of the brand all over the world.

By the finish of the 1990s Colin’s Jeans currently had 11 shops in Turkey and 6 shops abroad. The brand also introduced a brand new a lot more highly-priced denim line referred to as ‘Loft’. In 1997 Central Office and trading center Marka&Marka in Istanbul have been opened. According to the conception Marka&Marka Eroglu began production for the leading planet producers of custom tailored jeans: Levi’s, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger Online Shop, Lacoste, Next, Polo, GAP, Ralph Lauren, Lee Cooper, Matalan and Liz Clairbone. In 1998 a factory occupying a space of 35.000 square kilometers was opened, followed by the largest denim clothing manufacturing factory in Europe opened in 2003 and occupying a space of 45.000 square kilometers, capable of producing 17 million of clothing pieces a year. In 2005 Eroglu Business Group bought one in the biggest jeans brands in Europe ‘Big Star’, fortifying its positions on the globe markets.

Currently the corporation is represented in 33 countries and has additional than 24.000 employees. The brand produces men’s, women’s and children’s clothes and each season introduces a lot more than 2000 models of customized jeans for the new collection, following the latest trends in the world fashion. Colin’s represents an entire production cycle, including draft designing of jeans models, construction, curve gradation, sewing of clothing pieces, packing and delivery of ready goods for the customers. The most progressive technologies of processing and dye are used in Colin’s Jeans manufactory.

The product range includes jeans, denim jackets, shirts, skirts, waistcoats, dresses, shorts, overalls, as well as cotton and knitted wear like tops, T-shirts, sweaters, smocks. Colin’s also continues to manufacture outer garments, coats and jackets. Tommy Hilfiger Solid Polo for children and various accessories also belong to the product palette from the enterprise.

The brand now has 300 shops in Turkey and way more than 1000 abroad, thus becoming a rightful competitor in the leading globe denim brands.

37 thoughts on “Originally the factory created coats and down jackets, but in 1986 the very first jeans have been manufactured there”

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