Typical Myths About STDs, Debunked
Any adult that has engaged in sexual activity are more likely to have thought about getting tested for STDs before and this thought can be terrifying and that is why it is important to ensure you are safe whenever you get it on. My people don’t know much about STDs apart from that it is a sexually transmitted disease. In this guide below some of the typical myths, you have heard about STDs will be debunked.
The number one typical myth about STDs is that most people think that STDs come from sex because most common way diseases are spread through sex. Many people don’t know that you can be able to get STDs without having sex and there are a lot of means through which you can contract this disease. Some of the ways of the way through which you can get STDs is contact between body fluids, sharing unsterilized sharp objects for example you can get herpes through kissing and HIV can also be transmitted if you have a cut and you’re your blood gets in contact with the blood of a person that is HIV positive.
The second common myth about STDs is that people think that STDs are always visible. Usually, most individuals think that when they or their partner have STDs it will be visible and they will be able to see it. It is true that some STD such as herpes will be visible because you will be able to see blisters or rashes on the skin but not all STDs are visible for instance if a person has HIV or AIDs you will not be able to tell that they have the disease by just looking at them and you will have it unless to go for testing.
The third common myth about STDs is that the possibility is shameful. Most people think the possibility is shameful but because there are many ways through which STDs can be transmitted according to this guide and there is no shame in knowing that you or your partner could be a potential carrier of one. In the case where you or your partner suspect that you have STDs it will be a good idea to follow this guide to ensure that you and your partner get tested and also feel free to talk about your sex life even if it has nothing to do with STDs so ad to ensure that you always have safe sex.
The other common myth about STDs is that pills prevent STDs. It is true that pills can be much helpful in many other ways such as controlling birth but in STDs it not true that they can prevent STDs and using a condom is the only birth control method that can protect you from getting STDs. Suppose you are one of the people that are under-educated about STDs then this guide will help you learn more and be able to ensure you and your partner are safe. In summary, this guide helps debunk the usual myths about STDs.