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What to Know about Molding and Resin Casting
Molding and resin casting is an option of the exciting practices that can form part of your leisure time activities. The craftsmanship that is involved in this practice is important in bringing people together. As a result, it is a practice that can be used to bring groups of people together such as kids, families, and friends. Through molding and resin casting you can manage to make precious products such as jewelry. After ensuring that you have everything that you need, it will be less of a hassle if you follow the right guidelines. Through this article, you will find the crucial points that will guide you through your molding and resin casting experience.
First of all, you should make the mold. You always have the options of either buying the mold or making your own. To make a mold, ensure that you start by getting a mold putty. You should follow through the instructions provided by the manufacturer to make a perfect casting mold. You can then proceed to form a replica of any item of your choice by putting the clay around the item. The replication should be done in a manner that gets rid of any air pockets.
The next idea to have in mind is the need to check the mold instructions. If you decide to buy a mold instead of making some yourself, you will need to follow all the direction of use. There are different types of molds, which come with different requirements. The two common types are the plastic and the silicone types, in which the plastic one requires a mold release. The different types of molds also come at varying prices with the silicone one trading more expensively than the plastic type.
Equally important is the need to prepare the mold and the resin. Essentially, the mold should stay in an upright position so that the hardening process can take place effectively. You can make use of rubber bands to help you hold the two ends of the mold on the item you intend to replicate. Makeshift boxes can be used to effectively hold up items that cannot stand on their own. For the resin, you need to make the right mixture. The right mixture is attained by using the right ratio of the resin and the hardener. You can get the information on how to do the mixing form the directions on the resin container.
Finally, you should cast the resin. As you gently pour the resin, you need to ascertain that you no bubbles are built. The resin mixture should be cast as soon as it is made. To help you achieve the desired decoration, you can add some flowers or sand to the resin mixture.

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